General Guide
The bidirectional interface is applicable between your ERP System and your Online-Shop, or the Content Management System.
Through this link, an efficient and fast transfer of your offline contents like articles and customer informations in your Online-System is possible. You can also transfer contents like ordering to your Offline-System.
The interface provides an understandable graphical surface, which allows you to recall data easily and to publish it. At the same time srtConnect does not only support a system, it is also open for the connection of “any” database-driven Systems.
Preliminary Work
For the configuration of the interface you need some data, which concern the ERP:
- Type of the databank (e.g.: MySQL, MSSQL Server, Oracle etc.)
- Server name + instance
- Name of the databank
- Username and password for the databank
For the components which are lodged on the server with the Internet shop you need the following data:
- FTP- access data
- Server- and databank name
- Username and password for the databank
- If possible, access to a databank administration tool like phpMyAdmin
IMPORTANT: Before starting the export, please conduct a backup of the Online and Offline System.
1. Installation
It is a necessity for the installation to have the latest updates on the Operation System.
1.1 .net 4.0
If you are not sure about having the newest .NET installation on your Client/Server, you may conduct a Windows Update.
Advice: If you use the Software System Windows 7, the .Net-environment is already on 4.0.
1.2 Installation Routine
- Conduct the installation data.
- Follow the instructions of the installation manager.
1.3 Firewall
1. Start -> System Control -> Windows Firewall -> see picture
- Open: Allow other programs…
3. Browse
4. Navigate to the installation path of the interface (Standard: C:\Program Files (x86)\SRT\srtConnect\)
5. Add the yellow marked data *.exe
Systemsteuerung\Alle Systemsteuerungselemente\Windows-Firewall\Zugelassene Programme
1.4 Port 3306
Before the configuration, please enter Port 3306 in Firewall. The Standard MySQL Port is needed for loading your user profile.
1.5 Installation MySQL Connect (.NET)
Please install the additional installation data in register „{Installation path}/_Struktur/mysql-connector-net.6.6.5msi“ belatedly. This is useful for the verification of the profile.
1.5 Installation SQL CE Runtime
Please install the additional installation data in register „{Installation path}/_Struktur/SSCERuntime_x64-DEU“ or „{Installation path}/_Struktur/SSCERuntime_x86-DEU“ belatedly. This is important for our history and dashboard.
2 Configuration of the Client Interface
2.1 Licence Information (F10)
With the entry of the username and password which you got, the module for the interface will be sent. With clicking on the button “Load” everything will be loaded and you can continue with the configuration.
2.2 Basic Setting (F11)
Please select the menu item Configuration to make modifications in the basic setting.
ERP setting: Here you can build the link to your ERP.
Shop setting: link establishment to the Shop System
– Please keep your admin access data ready
– For Magento: username API User, password API Password
FTP/SFTP setting
– To export media data, the FTP data must be correct.
2.3 Configuration of SelectLine BDE
In this section it will be explained how to build the ODBC connection to ERP.
Step 1: select ODBC and add driver
Step 2: Select driver „Microsoft Paradox-Treiber (*.db)
Step 3: Select path (DB is in the installation path)
Step 4: OK
2.4 Configuration of Lexware ODBC (Lx Connect)
To have access on the Symbase of Lexware, there will be build an ODBC connection through the additional tool Lx Connect. The Lx Connect must be installed through an installation routine – like the interface of C#.
Afterwards, the firm data must be entered for the activation.
Step 1: Same Login like in Lexware
Step 2: Login through the Button „Product aktivation“
Step 3: Entry the data and close with OK.
Schritt 4: „Schreibzugriff gewähren“ und anschließend auf „Einrichtung starten!“
2.5 Configuration of Lexware eBusiness
The Lexware XML Import requires the Configuration / Activation of eBusiness. You can conduct this in the menu item -> Sale -> eBusiness.
2.6 Configuration of MySQL/MSSQL Migration in Sage GS-Auftrag, GS-Office, GS-Quantum
To get a write access on ERP, the datasets must be migrated on a MySQL or MSSQL. Therefor Sage provides an assistance which can be found under the client administration.
Therefor please mark the client with a right click and select the option „Migrate clients”.
2.7 Configuration of the SQL Statements
For the deviant export of the data information, SQL Statements can be adjusted. Please look out for holding the parameter order to ensure the correct export.
The Statements can be found under: INSTALL_PFAD\_Struktur\xml\module\
3 Configuration of the Online Interface
Please adapt the following data:
- conf/ data:
In 3 constants must be adapted. If the shop is in a subdirectory, it may only be archived under: “SHOP_SUBFOLDER”.
Additionally, you must place the constants for the databank connection. If you place the entry „TESTUMGEBUNG“ = true, you have to record the correct entries in the „“, otherwise please maintain in „db.conf.settings.php“.
2. The interface has intern tables which must be installed in the first execution. To automatically install the expansion, the constant FIRST_INSTALL must be = true.
Afterwards type the following path with using your shop:
After the execution the switch should be on „false“ again.
3. class/modules/getOrders/orders_payment_delivery_methods.php
The terms for payment and delivery are necessary for the order import. It is possible to adapt and expand them in the data.
4 Export der Online Schnittstelle durch den Client
The upload of the online interface must be conducted with the menu item “Upload WebConnector”. The export goes to the Root-register of the FTP user. The default path for the online interface „INSTALLATION PATH/_Struktur/extensions/webconnector“.
5 Export from ERP
To transfer your ERP stock to the online-shop go on like the following:
5.1 Export mode
Choose the option which you want to export [ Categories, Articles, Customers or Special Offer Prices ].
5.2 Section Categories
The transfer of the commodity-/ or product group to the Internet shop happens through the export mode „Categories”
The details of the transferred data like the category description, the free fields etc. differ in version and type of the ERP and the shops. The adjustments can be set arbitrary through the configuration data.
Fields which will be transferred in the standard:
- Category number
- Category name
- Parent / Child Category
- Long text
- Sortation
- Meta information (Keywords, Titel, Description)
- Search item
- Categories SEO
- Language
5.3 Section Article
The transfer of the article from the ERP to the chosen Internet shop occurs through the Export mode „Article“.
The details of the transferred data like Long text, Short text, Free fields etc. differ in version and type of the ERP and the Shop. They can be set with the configuration data. If there is the possibility to denote the article as “Online article”, this would be a good possibility for apportionment.
Fields which will be transferred in the standard:
- Article type
- Category number
- Producer ID
- Article number
- Article quantity
- EAN number
- Prices + Price groups
- Weight
- Visibility
- Rate of taxes
- Article pictures
- Packaging unit
- Delivery status
- Welcome page
- Skip Images
- Article description
- Article short- and long text
- Article language
- Meta informations (Title, Keywords, Description)
- Free fields
- Status active / inactive
- Alteration date
5.4 Section Special offer price
Through the item “Special offer prices” you can transfer bargains which are deposited in ERP to the selected Internet shop.
Fields which will be transferred in the standard:
- Article number
- Article quantity
- Special offer prices
- Start date
- End date
5.5 Section Cross-/Up-Selling and Accessory Article
Through „U/C/Z-Selling“ you can transfer Up-/Cross- Selling and Accessory Article which are deposited in ERP to the Internet shop.
Fields which will be transferred in the standard:
- Article number
- Article reference number
- Free fields…
5.5 Section Customers
The module „Customer export“ enables the export oft he customer data to the shop.
Fields which will be transferred in the standard:
- Customer number
- Title
- Name
- Surname
- Date of birth
- E-Mail address
- Phone / Fax
- Customer group
- Firm
- Street
- Postcode
- City
- Country/ISO Code
- Password
6. Import of the Ordering
First of all the orders must be retrieved from the shop through the interfaces. Afterwards the imported data will be edited and processed.
You can find the document header with the article positions in the imported order. If there is no customer-/ interested party information to be found, they will be automatically generated new or actualized.
7. Updates
Because of the permanent enhancement of the external factors (ERP System and Webshop), the interface will be adjusted with the actual requirements.
To ensure the complexity / flexibility, existing modules will be amplified and alterations will be implemented. With the Update Service it is possible to permanently use the actual version of the interface.