The multidimensional connection Multi-talent srtToolbox
Versacommerce zu Gambio - Verbindung
Ihr eCommerce kann unübersichtlich werden, je mehr Systeme in der IT-Infrastruktur hängen. Viele unterschiedliche Systeme mit diversen Funktionen, verschiedenen Formaten und nicht kompatiblen Schnittstellen können die Geschwindigkeit und Qualität des eigenen Business mindern. Die srtToolbox hilft Ihnen mit mehreren Konnektoren eine mehrdimensionale Verbindung einzugehen. So kommuniziert Ihr Onlineshop mit allen hintergeschalteten Systemen per Drag & Drop.
- Our concept is simple: we want to connect. We have specialised in e-commerce with the srtToolbox. It acts as an interface between the systems and connects over 50 ERP and shop systems with each other by aligning any information between the systems.
Communication problems? The srtToolbox helps
If shop systems do not communicate correctly with merchandise management, it puts those affected in an unpleasant position – dissatisfied customers, financial losses and additional expense due to troubleshooting. The srtToolbox is the link to ensure flawless communication – even in other interface projects.
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Wie funktioniert die Versacommerce zu Gambio-Verbindung?
Unsere Konnektor zu Konnektor-Verbindung verknüpft Ihren Onlineshop mit mit ihrem Warenwirtschaftssystem, der Buchhaltung, Ihrem Lieferanten, Ihrem Trackingsystem – wir binden sogar Ihr Steuerprogramm an. Sie behalten alle wesentlichen Daten und Entwicklungen im Blick und können rechtzeitig reagieren. So sparen Sie sich wertvolle Zeit und Kosten. Mit Hilfe unserer Konnektoren harmonisieren wir die Formate von einem zum anderen System, spielen Ihre Produkte direkt auf Marktplätze aus und lagern Ihre Datenmengen serverbasiert. Wie klingt das für Sie?
- Macht Produktexporte einfach und bindet Ihren Onlineshop direkt an Marktplätze an
- Spielt die Bestellungen, die im Onlineshop eingehen über die srtToolbox zu externen, ERP- und PIM-Systemen oder zu Logistikdienstleistern
- Liefert Ihnen die Möglichkeit, bearbeitete Bilder direkt im passenden Format zum jeweiligen System auszuspielen
- Spielt Ihre Umsatzlisten im gewünschten Format aus oder überträgt sie direkt an Ihr Steuerprogramm
Individual solutions
Our interface is compatible with over 50 ERP and shop systems. No matter how large your data volumes may be – thanks to its server-based mode of operation, the software works quickly and securely. Its modular structure makes it easy to adapt to your workflows, to expand, to reduce, to harmonise all data and to use it in other company areas.
Der srt Versacommerce zu Gambio - Ihre Vorteile im Überblick
Steigern Sie Geschwindigkeit und Qualität Ihres eCommerce Business, indem Sie ihr Warenwirtschaftssystem und Ihre Buchhaltung an unsere srtToolbox binden. Der srt-sage Konnektor macht es möglich: So können Sie mit allen betroffenen Abteilungen ungestört kommunizieren, da die relevanren Daten auf Knopfdruck abrufbar sind – alles in einem System.
You can easily manage and adapt the access data to your platform as well as your entire eCommerce via our srtToolbox. To do this, you quickly and securely import all relevant passwords to our system via the srt connector. This provides the connection to automatically integrate your data – no matter what source it comes from. Start making it easy for yourself.
All your data is centrally available on our srt toolbox. For example, you can also import shipment tracking from other systems to your platform via our srt connector. In addition, everything runs automatically: you drag and drop your data onto the interface, assign it to different workflows and save yourself valuable time.
The automatic integration of data on our interface ensures that important information is not lost. In addition, the data from different applications is thereby prepared in a uniform manner. Different departments have access to a common system, and all data can be centrally managed, adapted and checked. Scattered data is thus history and communication between departments is in flow.
With the enterprise resource planning, or ERP system, you plan your resources. Here, personnel can be managed and controlled and the planning of capital, material and operating resources can be set up in order to improve organisational processes. The PIM includes all relevant data of your eCommerce: images, videos, data sheets in different languages, which the system draws from CRM or ERP systems, for example. The data is stored in a target group-specific way and can be played on different channels, such as online shops or marketplaces. Our connectors play ERP and PIM data onto the interface or from the interface into other systems.
The most successful and probably best-known marketplaces are Amazon and eBay. The two sales platforms shape eCommerce in a decisive way, because here you can find almost everything that the consumer can imagine. With the srtToolbox we link you to the marketplaces of your choice by automatically displaying the product images in the right format. Your customer and address data, invoice, order and purchase order data or other structured information can be organised in a database. Using our connectors, you can link various databases to our srtToolbox or play information from the interface into your system.
The srtToolbox plays out your turnover lists in the desired format or transfers them directly to your tax program via one of our connectors. We also connect to your HR or payroll software so you can keep a clean inventory. Supply bottlenecks and duplicate work are a thing of the past. Accounting software also saves you a lot of time on bookings and you can record and evaluate your costs accurately and up-to-date.
The srtToolbox is server-based. This means that part of the software is installed in the company network, which centralises the data. This part controls all further processes – for example, all employees have offline access, from anywhere and at any time. You manage your data independently, which ensures higher data security and full control over your data. At the same time, you remain flexible because you can also adapt the software independently.
Unsere Konnektoren
Connectors are the link to our interface to connect the systems of your company with each other. They ensure that your data is displayed identically regardless of the device and is permanently synchronised with all end devices used. We offer connectors for shop systems, ERP systems, marketplaces and feed engines.